For youth
See activities for young audiences here.

Oslo Open Ung
We have employed two young art mediators, Martha Malt and San San Dinh, through a collaboration with TrAP and their project Keys to the City that gives youth jobs in the cultural sector. The project is called Oslo Open Ung. Through this project, that we also did in 2023, young adults get training in how to talk about art with an audience, prepare visits to artists studios, and plan a guided tour. Martha and San San took a group of participants on a guided tour to the studios Sunday 28 April 2024. They also started and ran our TikTok channel.
ØST KUNST festival 21-27 April 2024
Oslo Open collaborates with ØST KUNST, an annual festival and network for art and culture in Groruddalen. They specialize in providing and creating cultural activities that are relevant to young people. During this year’s ØST KUNST, which coincides with Oslo Open at the end of April, there will be workshops, art exhibitions and other cultural events at Furuset and Trosterud. See the program at Facebook and Instagram.
Previous projects for, by or with young people:
2023: Breakfast seminar: How to catch young people’s attention and engagement?
2022: Young Guides at Startblokka
2021: Illustration workshop
2021: Seminar: Art and creative expression on young people’s own terms
2020: Do young people care about art?
From 2014– 2021 we organized BOO! – Barnas Oslo Open (Oslo Open for kids) with workshops organized by artists for young people from 0 to 18 years old