27—28 April

Young Guides at Startblokka

During Oslo Open young guides will work at Startblokka to wish guests welcome. You can join them for guided tours to the artists in the building. This project is a collaboration between Oslo Open, Startblokka, and the District of Bjerke.

March 25 2022
The group on a research visit to artist Ilavenil Jayapalan in his studio at Startblokka.
The group on a research visit to artist Ilavenil Jayapalan in his studio.

In an old industrial area in Linderud Startblokka has become a meeting place for artists and small businesses, with an aim to contribute to a lively local community. More than 80 people and small businesses have 12 000 square meters to realize their ideas, create their own workplaces, and make events. 16 of the artists who have their studios here will have open doors during Oslo Open.

The collaboration between Oslo Oslo Open, Startblokka, and Bydel Bjerke gives local youth new work experience. After an application process and many interviews, seven 15–20 year old people were hired to work with events, and to make suggestions on how Startblokka can become a place where local youth can feel at home.

One of the events they will work with is Oslo Open. On Saturday 23 April the working group will be hosts of Startblokka. They have been given the task of planning guided tours to the artists in the building– with creative freedom to choose who they want to visit, and to use their own interests and experiences to talk about the art. Even though they have a special focus on making tours fitted for youth and young adults, anyone is welcome to join. The guests are also welcome to walk around between the ateliers on their own.

The project is a part of “Jobbsmak”, a project that offers young people in the District of Bjerke paid work and professional experience.