Sampson Addae
Addresse: Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo, Fossveien 24, 0551 Oslo
Etasje: 3
Rom nr: 4
Atelieret er åpent lørdag 27. april kl 12-17
“Kantamanto" 2022, Sampson Addae, discarded clothes picked from trash
bins, smell of sweat, urine and perfume, stains of food
and blood, earth colours, discarded wooden board,
122cm x 122cm, 09/05/2023, 12:01
“Agbogbloshie” 2023,Sampson Addae, discarded
clothes, the smell of urine and
sweet, dirty oil, earth, found
cans of coke with Coke residue,
244cm x 122cm, 18/07/2023, 18:4
“Seeds” 2023.Sampson Addae, used clothes
collected from people, the smell of
urine and sweet, shoelace,
Found ropes, the number of seeds
unknown, 27/09/2023, 18:11
“chorkor” 2023, Sampson Addae, discarded clothes, smell
of urine and sweet, earth colours,
discarded wooden board, 70cm x 122cm,
04/04/2023, 15:0