26—27 April

Hanne Ekkeren

Address: Studio11, Sinsenveien 11, 0572 Oslo
Floor: 3. etasje
The studio is open Saturday 27 April from 12-17

In my projects, I am concerned with fringe areas, vulnerable groups and change processes in our surroundings. They explore man’s relationship to place, urban development and the relationship between nature and culture.
I work with installations consisting of found and made objects, as well as drawing and photography.

The starting point for the work is often a specific geographical area. The projects are based on fieldwork, where I explore the place and look at e.g. history, location and materials that represent the specific landscape.
Several projects deal with the spaces in between, places that have arisen randomly in contrast to the planned and constructed. I reflect on how a place’s design sets conditions for who and how the place is used.

Installation, drawing, photo, text.

Planned projects and exhibitions

Under the open sky – artist book, photo and text.
Ullevål hospital – outdoor project, installation, photo.


Hanne Ekkeren

1987 – 88: G. Rietveldt Academie, Amsterdam
1984 – 86: Strykejernet artschool
1979 – 82: Nursing college, Oslo

Solo shows:
2023: Camping life, Dep.artment, Oslo
2021: Kantland, Babel visningsrom for kunst, Trondheim, april/may
2019: A place of his own, Art Space Hanstholm, in cooperation with Yngvild Nergaard,
Det nordatlantiske fyr in Hanstholm, Denmark,
2018: Borderline, Kunstplass Contemporary art, Oslo
2014: Future memory, artist book, OneNightOnly, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo
2012: Et annet sted, Gallery 69, Oslo
2012: Stranded, Galleri BOA, Oslo
2010: Bispelokket – Rom til overs, Tegnerforbundet, Oslo
2010: Stedet er skogen, Buskerud Kunstsenter
2006: Fragmentarisk dokumentasjon, Norsk Skogmuseum, galleriet
1998: Bybilder, Gallery Tamara, Oslo

Group shows:
2021: Wood & Clay, Kunsthall Grenland, Greenlight District, september
2021: Habitat, Galleri2, may
2019: O2 CO2 H2O, utstilling IKM-karnevalet, Oslo, in cooperation with Gry Hege Johansen,
Guerilla Plastic Movement.
2016: New chapter, Utstilling med artist books fra Norge, Sverige, Danmark, Svends bibliotek, København.
2016: Replaceable, Hardbakka Ruins Prosject 2016, Bergen: Memento Mori, workshop and
2015: Back to the future, Kunsthall HIOA, Oslo
2015: Anniversary exhibition, Gallery 69, Oslo
2014: Local, exhibition and residency at Samvirke Galleri og Gjesteatelier, Veiholmen, Møre og Romsdal
2008: VÅR utstilling, Tegnerforbundet, Oslo
2008: Byvisjoner, Galleri BOA, Oslo
2007: VÅR utstilling, Tegnerforbundet, Oslo
2007: Kunstnere, byens nomader, Galleri BOA, Oslo
2003, 1995, 1993: The National Annual exhibition of the Visual Arts, Oslo
1990: Østlandsutstillingen
1989: Sentralteateret
1989: Group exhibition in Wroclav, Polen

2021: Norwegian Visual Artists Fund, project support
2019: Norwegian Visual Artists Fund, grant
2018: Relief Fund for Visual Artists, grant
2017: Norwegian Visual Artists Fund, grant
2014: Norwegian Visual Artists Fund, grant
2013: Norwegian Visual Artists Fund, grant
2012: Norwegian Visual Artists Fund, project support
2011: Norwegian Arts Council, project support
2010: Norwegian Visual Artists Fund, project support
2009: Norwegian Arts Council, exhibition grant
2007: Norwegian Visual Artists Fund, grant
2004: Norwegian Visual Artists Fund, grant

2014 – 16: Tokerud school, Oslo

Residencies/ Workshop:
2022: Residency, Can Serrat, Spain
2021: Wood & Clay, workshop i regi av Kunsthall Grenland, june
2021: Lademoen Kunstnerverksted, Trondheim, april
2019: Det Nordatlantiske fyr Hanstholm, Denmark.
2016: Hardbakka ruins, Bergen.
2014: Samvirke Galleri og Gjesteatelier, Veiholmen, Møre og Romsdal.

Bibliography/ dissemination:
2020: Arkitekt- og designhøgskolen i Oslo, Kunsten og byen, foredrag for MA-studenter i samtale med førsteamanuensis Even Smith Wergeland.
2019: Anniversary book, Galleri 69, G 69. Photo and text.
2019: Workshop at Hanstholm friskole, Danmark, in collaboration with Yngvild Nergaard.
2016: Antipodes cafè, Artist talk about my projects about the city development in Bjørvika, Oslo
2016: Tilfluktsrom, article in the journal Rus&Samfunn, temanummer om fiendtlig arkitektur.
2014: Article in the journal =Oslo
2014: Artist book – Future memory
2010 /august: Klassekampen, Den nye byens bakside.
2010: Artist book – Bispelokket
2010 / januar: Drammens Tidene, Buskerud Kunstsenter – Rester av naturen.
2009 / mai: Arkitektur N,” Til minne om Schweigaardsgt 32, Elin Børrud/Hanne Ekkeren.
2009 / juni: Billedkunst, Schweigaaedsgate 32, Elin Børrud/Hanne Ekkeren.

Membership: NBK (Norwegian Visual Artists Assosiation), The Drawing Center, BOA

Bord positions:
2016 – 2019: Statens utstillingsstipend, vara
2012: Juror of the Deawing biennial, Tegnebiennalen, Oslo
2010 – 2014: Bord member of the Drawing Assosiation, Oslo