Atelier Kunstnerforbundet received this year’s Honorary Award
With this award, the Oslo Open board wishes to honour Atelier Kunstnerforbundet for taking the significant initiative to create a new studio program within the framework of an established art institution.

Atelier Kunstnerforbundet is an initiative that has established artist studios in connection to the art institution Kunstnerforbundet.
The award was given out by the Oslo Open board 22 April 2022 at Kunstnernes Hus.
The board congratulates Atelier Kunstnerforbundet with the award!
Trond Hugo Haugen (chair of the board)
Eline Mugaas
Hanna Roloff
Therese Möllenhoff

The Oslo Open Honorary Award
The award aims to lift and honour those who contribute to improving the artists’ working situation – studios, production, and working conditions. It can be given to a person, group, an institution, or organization. There are many who have made a difference over the years through their contribution in artist organisations, politics, through organising, financing, property and rentals, mediation, discourse, and/or other activities that are of importance to artists both in Oslo and nationally. The Honorary Award is awarded at the discretion of the board of Oslo Open.