26—27 April

Anneke von der Fehr

Address: SA Steinskulptur - Norsk Billedhoggerforenings Atelierer, Østensjøveien 5, 0661 Oslo
Floor: Ute på gårdsplassen / bakkeplan + 2. etg. i bygg til høyre
Room number: se skilt
The studio is open Saturday 27 April from 12-17

I work in different media and formats, such as sculpture, photography, video and installation-based works. The works are often contextual and site-specific.
I am also concerned with materiality, techniques and craftsmanship. In recent years, I have mostly worked with stone, concrete, video and photography, but also combinations of these. Furthermore, I usually work individually, but also have projects in collaboration with others.

Sculpture, installation, photo, video

Work in progress at atelier Helsfyr 2023. AVDF
Title: ÆGGA_ marble sculpture_ 2023_ photo: AVDF
Title: Lingua I and LIngua II. Bomuldsfabriken 2021_Photo: AVDF

In my studio

This studio is a really old studio owned by SA Steinskulptur – Norsk Billedhoggerforenings Atelierer. This has been an artist-run communal workshop for monumental sculpture since 1948.
In addition to several workshops, they also rent out a studio. This studio is characterized by many years of artistic activity, and per today there are two artists who work there. During Oslo Open, I will work with a stone outdoors, and show works inside the studio. I can also show a bit around the area / talk about the place and the opportunities this place can provide for those interested in stone and bronze.

Planned projects and exhibitions

2024: OrgonPunch Emanuel Vigeland Museum (Agreement)
2024: Open Video XVIII, artwork and film program, Gallery Nordover, Longyearbyen
2024: Open Video XIX, Oslo
2025: Galleri Notodden (USN) (Agreement)


I am educated at:
Norwegian Academy of Fine Arts, Oslo(1995 – 99)
Norwegian Academy of Arts and Crafts, Oslo (BA, MA: 1989 – 94)
Asker Art School (1988 – 89)

2023: Mea, Ægga, Flør (marble sculptures) outside the youth centre, Røst Municipality.

2021 / 2013 / 2007 / 2005: The Sørland exhibition
2019 / 2004: Østland exhibition
2016: Artisans’ Annual Exhibition
2006 / 2005 / 2004/1998: National Autumn Exhibition, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo
2023: Open Video XVII with film program and works at Kunstrum Fyn, Denmark
2023: The Sustainable City – Tales of Horror by the Drammen Fjord, Lier
2023: Anniversary exhibition 15-15-150, Arendal Art Association
2023: Open Video XIV, UKS, Oslo
2022: Open Video XIII with artwork/film program, Gilhuus Gård, Lier
2022: Linga XVII, arr.Kunst Rett Vest, Fossekleiva Kultursenter, Berger
2022: Open Video XII, Norwegian Sculptors’ Association, Oslo
2021: “Willow trees and pilasters. Oslo Culture Night, Old City Hall, Oslo.
2021: As far as my Eye can Sea-The Expedition Exhibition, Bomuldsfabriken, Arendal.
2021: Testis II, SHOOT Gallery, Oslo
2020: Oslofjord ecologies, GALLERY 69, in collaboration with T. Gulpinar
2020: The November exhibition, Lychepaviljonen at Drammens Museum.
2020: Oslofjord Ecologies Travel, Ars Electronica In Kepler`s Garden, Invited by K. Bergaust.
2019: Lingua I and II, Our Ocean, REV Ocean.
2018/19: BARE MENNESKET LAGER RETTE LINJER, Norwegian Sculpture Association, Oslo.

A more detailed CV can be sent later.