27—28 April

Samvær Under Tilsün ☻

Address: Damfaret 27, 0682 Oslo
The studio is open Saturday 27 April from 12-17

Samvær Under Tilsün is a conglomerate of improvised hardware freeform techno, augmented table tennis with your Life™ at stake, Det Elektriske Korps, machine embroidery, lefser, tea and spinning sound system in an undulating combination as well as other low-threshold offers.

Samvær Under Tilsün is Øyvind Mellbye and Einar Goksøyr Åsen.

(S.U.T translates to Socializing Under Supervision)

Mixed nuts

Sut grei kafe 4 plakat web
Welcome to Grei Kafe 4!
Smiley Ü, Samvær Under Tilsün, 3D-model, 2023
13 kos2265
Fritidsklup, Samvær Under Tilsÿn, 2023, Nordnorsk Kunstnersenter, installation view, Photo: Kjell Ove Storvik
Pling Pong Ekspress, Samvær Under Tilsün, 2021, Skulpturtriennalen, Photo: Julie Hrncirova

In my studio

Samvær Under Tilsün cordially invites you to the fourth installment of Grei Kafe and the grand opening of our new headquarters; a half-sanitized ticket kiosk on Godlia T.
You’ll get the chance to try out Fritidsklup – the latest version of our augmented Pling Pong-table tennis system and 15:00 Niklas Adam will play an electronic concert on Sporveien’s original PA from 1967. A tasty form of complex dessert will be available from a Pepsi Max-fridge and assorted three star article will be sold from under the counter. Welcome!

Planned projects and exhibitions

Renovation of Godlia T