27—28 April

Ida Immonen

Address: Villa Romsli / Romsli vev og fargeri, Odvar Solbergs vei 83, 0973 Oslo
Floor: -1
The studio is open Saturday 27 April from 12-17

I am a Finnish textile artist living and working in Oslo. The Finnish ryijy-rugs (ryas) forms the basis for my works. This is an ancient hand-knotting technique, traditionally woven in a loom. I use plant-dyed wool and recycled fibres. My works address themes such as nationalism, feminism, the climate and overconsumption, as well as interpersonal feelings. This is told through everyday moments depicted in my rugs, but also through the choice of materials and titles.


From the exhibition Artemisia vulgaris - a mountain I never reached at Glasslåven kunstsenter, spring 2023 Ida Immonen On the left: Artemisia vulgaris: Silent scream between stones- anger / Hand-knotted rya with linen, undyed and wool dyed with Mugwort (lat. Artemisia vulgaris) / 27 x 217 (cm) / 2023 Behind: Artemisia vulgaris: Detour leads to the right path - accept / Handwoven undyed wool and linen and hand embroidery with wool dyed with Mugwort (lat. Artemisia vulgaris) / 133 x 167 (cm) / 2022-2023 On the right: Artemisia vulgaris: There is no light without darkness- forgiveness / Hand-knotted rya with linen, undyed and wool dyed with Mugwort (lat. Artemisia vulgaris) / 123 x 300 (cm) / 2022-2023 ©Glasslåven kunstsenter. Foto: Tor S. Ulstein/Kunstdok
Detail from Artemisia vulgaris: There is no light without darkness - forgiveness / Ida Immonen / Hand-knotted rya with linen, undyed and wool dyed with Mugwort (lat. Artemisia vulgaris) / 123 x 300 (cm) / 2022-2023 / From the exhibition Artemisia vulgaris - a mountain I never reached at Glasslåven kunstsenter in the spring of 2023 ©Glasslåven kunstsenter. Foto: Tor S. Ulstein/Kunstdok
From the exhibition Democracy at Wergelandshaugen Art Center in autumn 2023 Ida Immonen / I dream of you / A book made from my own textile waste, the pages are appliquéd, hand-embroidered and hand-tufted images and hand-embroidered texts in Norwegian, Finnish and Braille in both languages ​​/ 46 x 72 x 13 (cm) / 2023 and images of the book projected on the wall Photo: Erik B. Myklebust
Detail from I dream of you / ​​/ 46 x 72 x 13 (cm) / Ida Immonen / A book made from my own textile waste, the pages are appliquéd, hand-embroidered and hand-tufted images and hand-embroidered texts in Norwegian, Finnish and Braille in both languages ​​/ 46 x 72 x 13 (cm) / 2023 / From the exhibition Democracy at Wergelandshaugen art center in autumn 2023 Photo: Erik B. Myklebust

In my studio

I share a studio with three other textile artists, Arna Kristine Lund-Johnsen, Mari Ulland and Rosanna Vibe. We all have different approaches to weaving. In our workshop you can learn about different weaving techniques, both manual and digital, and also visit our dyeing workshop, where we work both with plant based dyes and chemical dyeing.

Planned projects and exhibitions

I am working on two projects. My main project is called Artemisia vulgaris and consists of handwoven and embroidered works where the color comes from the plant Artemisia vulgaris (Mugwort). But I also work with textile books where each page is an appliquéd and embroidered collage made from textile waste. The books have also hand-embroidered texts in both Norwegian, Finnish and Braille in both languages. These books will be exhibited in libraries both in Norway and Finland. In the winter of 2024, I will show works at the Intercultural Museum in Tøyen and at Glasslåven in Gran. In the summer of 2024, I am going to an artist in residence Leveld Kunstnartun in Ål.


2019  MFA in Medium- and Material Based Art, Oslo National Academy of the Arts, Norway
2017 Bachelor Of Culture And Arts, Saimaa University of Applied Sciences, Imatra, Finland
2016  Erasmus exchange, Oslo National Academy of the Arts, Norway

Solo Exhibitions
2023 Artemisia vulgaris – et fjell jeg aldri nådde, Glasslåven Art Center, Gran
2019 Feel Me – See Me, Gallery Seilduken 2, Oslo, Norway

Museum Exhibitions
2023 PointCounterPoint, Intercultural Museum, Oslo
2022 Jeg kaller det kunst, The National Museum of Art in Norway, Oslo
2021 Art Lounge, Nitja Centre for Contemporary Art, Lillestrøm, Norway
2017 Auditoitu, Imatra Museum of Art, Finland
2016 Kommentti, Imatra Museum of Art, Finland

Selected Group Exhibitions
2023 Demokrati, Wergelandshaugen Art Center, Eidsvoll, Norway
2023 Juleutsalget, Glasslåven kunstsenter, Gran, Norway
2021 Collective Resilience, Moss Kunstforening, Norway
2019 Big Awards Collective Exhibition, CAGE Gallery, Barcelona, Spain
2019 Got It For Cheap / Velvet Ropes, Golsa Gallery, Oslo and Trondheim, Norway
2019 A better past is still possible, Oslo National Academy of the Arts, Norway
2018 Sit On A Stone Rather Than A Pillow, Oslo National Academy of the Arts, Norway
2018 Between The Lines, Reception Gallery, Oslo, Norway
2018 Frekvens, Gallery Norwegian Printmakers, Oslo, Norway
2018 Original Copy, Gallery Seilduken 1, Oslo, Norway
2017 Art Today, Louhitalo, Eno, Finland
2016 Kontakt, Köysiratagalleria, Turku, Finland
2015 Viimeinen sammuttaa valot, Lappeenranta City Theater, Finland
2015 Työ VapAuttaa, Art Bunker, Imatra, Finland
2015 Hämeen nuorten biennaali, Arx Gallery, Hämeenlinna, Finland
2014 Meri ja musiikki, Musiikkitalo – Helsinki Music Centre, Helsinki, Finland
2014 Stockfors art fair, Pyhtää, Finland
2012 Hämeen nuoret, Arx Gallery, Hämeenlinna, Finland

Works in Collections
Heinolan Taidemuseon ystävät ry:n kokoelma
(Collection of The Association for Friends of Heinola Museum of Art), Finland

Norske tekstilkunstnere (Norwegian Textile Artists), Board member
Norske Billedkunstnere (The Association of Norwegian Visual Artists)
Romsli vev og fargeri (Romsli Weaving and Dyeing)

Upcoming Residencies
2024 Leveld Kunstnartun Air, Ål, Norway

2023 WH Air, Wergelandshaugen Salonger, Eidsvoll, Norway
2021 AiR Green, Art Residency at Søndre Green farm, Noresund, Norway

2023 Grant for producing artist books, Otto A. Malm Foundation, Finland
2020 Work grant for younger and newly established artists, 3 years, Arts Council Norway
2020 Young Artists` Grant, Finnish Art Society
2019 Miscellaneous grant for recently graduated artists, Arts Council Norway
2018 BKH Art Student Grant, Norway
2017 and 2016 Art Student Grant, William ja Ester Otsakorven säätiö
(Foundation of William and Ester Otsakorpi), Finland
2016 Art Student Grant, Kansan Sivistysrahasto
(Foundation for Sophistication of The Nation), Finland