Enrique Guadarrama Solis
Address: Enebakkveien 208, 0680 Oslo
Floor: -1
The studio is open Saturday 26 April from 12-17
Enrique Guadarrama Solis is a Mexican visual artist based in Oslo with education from Facultad de Artes y Diseño, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (2008-2013), and Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo (2019-2021). His practice explores colliding concepts such as tradition/technology, analogue/digital and magic/ logic, oscillating between randomness and structure. Focusing on process and intuition he challenges the boundaries of traditional printmaking and sculpture through systems, objects, installation and performance.
Print, sculpture

In my studio
People will be able to have a glimpse into my everyday artistic practice, the processes behind my artworks, and how I run my workshop. It will be a good opportunity to get to know my upcoming projects and exhibitions within print, sculpture, and installation. My studio consists of a woodworking area with sculptures and other projects, and a printmaking area that contains The Machine, a wooden printing press I designed and built myself. I am planning ongoing demonstrations with The Machine where visitors are invited to print their own small scale monoprint.
Planned projects and exhibitions
Upcoming solo exhibition at International Casita Contemporary, Oslo, March 2025.
Upcoming solo exhibition at Østfold Kunstsenter, Fredrikstad, September 2025.
Upcoming solo exhibition at RAM Galleri, Oslo, September 2025.
2019-2021 MFA in Medium and Material Based Art, Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo (Oslo National Academy of the Arts). Norway.
2016 Awarded the degree Bachelor of Visual Arts through public defence of thesis. Facultad de Artes y Diseño, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (FAD UNAM), Mexico.
2008-2013 Bachelor of Visual Arts. FAD UNAM, Mexico.
Stipends, support, scholarships
2024 Prosjektstøtte fra Billedkunstnernes Vederlagsfond Høsten 2024 (project support, autumn 2024). Norske Billedkunstnere, Norway.
2024 NKF Prosjektstøtte for kunstnere i etablering juni 2024 (project support for artists in the establishing phase, June 2024). Kulturrådet, Norway.
2023-2024 Arbeidsstipend for yngre / nyetablerte kunstnarar (Working grant for young / recently established artists). Kulturrådet, Norway.
2023 Prosjektstøtte from Norske Grafikeres Fond (project support). Norske Grafikere, Norway.
2023 Regionale Prosjektmidler for visuell kunst (project support for visual arts). Kunstsentrene i Norge (KiN), Norway.
2023 Prosjektstøtte fra Billedkunstnernes Vederlagsfond Vår 2023 (project support, spring 2023). Norske Billedkunstnere, Norway.
2022 Awarded the Getfotsfondens Grafikstipendium 2022. Stockholm, Sweden.
2022 Prosjektstøtte fra Billedkunstnernes Vederlagsfond Høst 2022 (project support, autumn 2022). Norske Billedkunstnere, Norway.
2022 NKF Prosjektstøtte for kunstnere i etablering desember 2022 (project support for artists in the establishing phase, December 2022). Kulturrådet, Norway.
2022-2023 Kunstnerassistent. Kulturrådet, Norway. Assistant to Artist Germain Ngoma.
2022 Arbeidsstipend for yngre / nyetablerte kunstnarar (Working grant for young / recently established artists). Kulturrådet, Norway.
2021 NKF Prosjektstøtte for kunstnere i etablering desember 2021 (project support for artists in the establishing phase, December 2021). Kulturrådet, Norway.
2021 Prosjektstøtte from Norske Grafikeres Fond (project support). Norske Grafikere, Norway.
2021 Stipend fra Norske Grafikeres Fond. Norske Grafikere, Norway.
2021 Diversestipend for nyutdannede kunstnere. Kulturrådet, Norway.
2021 FKDS MA Scholarship. Juried award to the best project of the MA year. Fondet for Kunst og Designstudenter, Norway.
2020-2021 FONCA Young Creator Stipend. Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, Mexico.
2015-2016 FONCA Young Creator Stipend. Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, Mexico.
Awards and Selections
2022 Nominee QSPA Inspirational Award (Kjell Nupen Memorial Grant). Oslo, Norway.
2021 Nominee KoMASK European Masters Printmaking Award 2021. Antwerp, Belgium.
2020 Selected work. Premio Internacional de Arte Gráfico Jesús Núñez 2020. La Coruña, Galicia.
2020 Selected work. ARTiJA 2nd International Art Biennial. Kragujevac, Serbia.
2020 Selected work and Finalist. Open Portfolio, FIG BILBAO 2020. Bilbao, Basque Country.
2020 Selected work. International Biennial Print Exhibit: 2020 R.O.C. Taiwan, R.O.C.
2019 Selected work. 8th International Triennial of Graphic Arts Sofia 2019. Sofia, Bulgaria.
2019 Selected work. MINI MAXI Print Berlin 2019. Berlin, Germany.
2019 Honorary Mention. Trienal de Artes Gráficas TAG 2019. Morelos, Mexico.
2019 Selected work. Guanlan International Print Biennial 2019. Guanlan, China.
2019 Selected work. XXXIX Encuentro Nacional de Arte Joven. Aguascalientes, Mexico.
Solo exhibitions
2023 Machine Prints. Grafiska Sällskapet. Stockholm, Sweden.
2022 Welcome to The Machine. Norske Grafikere. Oslo, Norway.
2020 First Significant, First Reflection, First Find. Galleri Seilduken 2. Oslo, Norway.
2020 8 Sided Die. White Box Gallery, Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo. Oslo, Norway.
2019 CMYK. Notas sobre la luz y el tiempo (CMYK. Notes About Light and Time). Main Gallery, Escuela Nacional de Escultura, Pintura y Grabado “La Esmeralda”. CDMX, Mexico.
2018 Espectro Visible (Visible Spectrum). Studio Block M74. CDMX, Mexico.
2018 Prefacio (Preface). Casa Espirituosa. CDMX, Mexico.
Collective exhibitions (selection)
2023 Tegnetriennalen 2023. Tegneforbundet, Tenthaus, The National Museum and Deichman. Oslo, Norway.
2023 Momentum 12 Bienniale Together as to Gather. Gallery F 15. Moss, Norway.
2022 Print Matters III. Gallery ASP. Krakow, Poland.
2022 Oslo Negativ. Det Gamle Biblioteket. Oslo, Norway.
2022 Polyphonic Vision. Store Gilhus Gård. Lier, Norway.
2022 Nye medlemmer. Norske Grafikere. Oslo, Norway.
2022 New Territories of Action. QSPA Gallery. Oslo, Norway.
2021 Juleutstillingen. Kunstnerforbundet. Oslo, Norway.
2021 Connecting Lines. Trafo Kunsthall. Asker, Norway.
2021 Avgangsutstilling 2021. Ba og Ma-studenter fra Grafikk og Tegning ved KHiO og UiB. Digital Exhibition. Norske Grafikere. Oslo, Norway.
2021 Drifting Matters. Avgang 2021 MFA Art & Craft, Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo. Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo. Oslo, Norway.
2020 Visiones Gráficas VI (Graphic Visions VI). Gallery of Cervantes Institute. Belgrade, Serbia.