26—27 April

Helene Sommer

Address: ORP 2, Olaf Ryes plass 2, 0552 Oslo
Floor: 3
Room number: 326
The studio is open Saturday 26 April from 12-17

I work with video, text, and installation. The projects are presented as both multi-channel audiovisual installations and single-channel. I have also produced several artist books. I combine documentary material, archival material, montage, essay genre, and fiction.
In my works I’m interested in the established mechanisms of science, both in relation to storytelling and how we relate to our natural surroundings – both as individuals and collectively. I am concerned with the many levels of transmission, interpretation, and translation that are involved in all storytelling.

Video, installation, text

Remains of day and night, Helene Sommer, Video 4K 25 min, 2024-2025. Video still.
Effigy of the Beast, Helene Sommer, 4K, 25 min, 2023, video still.
A Wetland Chronicle, Helene Sommer, video installation, 2021, KO.SA, architecture Vera Wyller, installation view. Photo: H.Sommer
Learning from Rocks, Helene Sommer, 4K, video still, in production.

In my studio

In my studio, visitors can see a selection of works as well as parts of the process that are involved in developing a project, such as literature and images I am interested in, and materials I collect along the way.

Planned projects and exhibitions

Levninger av dag og natt (Remains of Night and Day) (video 4K 30 min, to be completed in 2025)
Undergrunnsbevegelser (Underground Movements) (video 4K 25 min. to be completed in 2026)
Stones Move Trees Speak (video/installation to be completed in 2025)

Planned exhibitions:
Bodø City Museum- Nordlandsmuseet (2025)
Edvard Munch Haus, Warnemünde, DE (2025)
Oslo Kunstforening (2026)


Helene Sommer
b. Oslo, 1978

99-03 National Academy of Fine Arts, oslo
2002 Universität der Künste, Berlin. Prof. Möbhus
96- 98 Einar Granum School of Art.

2023 Artica, Svalbard (Oca)
2022 Praksis, “Understanding Intelligence”, Oslo
2022 Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior, Germany
2016 Nordisk Kunstnarsenter, Dale
2014 W17, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo
2012 PolArt. Research cruise in the Arctic Ocean (Arctos/NorwegianPolar Institute)
2009 Interspace, Sofia, Bulgaria (EMARE)
2007 /09 Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart, Germany
2007 Platform Garanti, Istanbul, Turkey (OCA)
2005 IASPIS, Stockholm, Sweden (Nifca)

Exhibitions/screenings, selection.
2023 Liv laga seg bevisløse tilstander, collaboration w/ O.C. Ellestad. BO, Oslo (solo)
2023 Open Video, Kunstrum Fyn
2023 Effigy of the Beast, “Vital Currencies”, Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart
2023 Effigy of the Beast, Podium (invited by Viktor Pedersen as part of the platform Wild Seeds)
2022 Arctic Moving Image Film Festival, Harstad. Retrospective presentation. (Curator Ida Lykken Gosh)
2022 Objektiv; Books, Prints and Videotapes, Galleri Joseph, Paris
2022 Open Video XIII, Store Gilhus Gård, Buskerud
2021 “Og fjorden der nede blir ved å gå videre mot havet”, Kunsthuset Kabuso, Hardanger (m/Book&Heden, Hege Nyborg, P.C. Brown og Thorbjørn Sørensen)
2021 “En våtmarkskrønike”, The Jane Pavilion, KOSA/Krutthuset, Maridalen, Oslo (solo)
2020 Og lenge gikk vi uten lys, Kristiansand Kunsthall
2020 The memory differential, ORTVI (online exhibition)
2020 Le Book Club, Zines of the Zone, Fotogalleriet, Oslo
2019 Festningen, Kongsvinger Festning (curated by Helga Marie Nordby)
2019 Gull og grønne skoger, Galleri 69, Oslo
2019 I lag i mørket, Nordnorsk Kunstnersenter, Lofoten (Duo-exhibition curated by T. Ø. Haaland)
2018 Igjen gjennom hjertet, Atelier Nord, Oslo (solo)
2018 “Passengers of a Kaleidoscopic Journey” Ehemalige Tabakfabrik, Berlin
2018 “For a Gentle Song…”, Fotografisk Center, Copenhagen (curated by S. von Spreter)
2018 Kunstnernes Hus, filmscreening curated by Elisabeth Byre
2017 Public Art Screens, Stavanger (curated by i/o/lab)
2017 Sted søker kunst, Magainsleiren, Ski (festival, BOA)
2017 “I went into the woods…”, Kitkutstua, Oslo
2017 Guerilla Girls, K4, Oslo (Screening, videofestival)
2017 Open Video V, Atelier Nord, Oslo (Screening)
2016 “For a Gentle Song Would Not Shake Us…”, Fotogalleriet, Oslo (curated by S. von Spreter)
2016 Open Video IV, Atelier Nord ANX, Oslo
2015 Sparebankstiftelsen DNBs stipendutstilling, Oslo Kunstforening, Oslo
2015 Ocean, Gedok galerie, Berlin (curated by Ana Karaminova)
2015 Doma 2015: Nordica, Sofia, Bulgaria (curated by Martina Stefanova)
2015 Det falske spill, Nasjonalbiblioteket, Oslo (solo)
2014 Gjennom Naturen, Stenersenmuseet, Oslo (curated by Jon-Ove Steihaug)
2014 Åpent Atelier, W17, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo
2014 “Fra arkivet” Jugendstilsenteret, Ålesund. Duo-exhibition w/ Elsebeth Jørgensen (curated by B. Holen)
2013 Skulpturbiennalen, Vigelandsmuseet, Oslo (curated byHelga Maria Nordby)
2013 International Short Film Festival Oberhausen, Germany
2013 Moving, Ålesund (curated byAggregat)
2013 PolArt, Galleri Svalbard, Longyearbyen, Svalbard
2013 PolArt, Tromsø Kunstforening, Tromsø
2012 Great Piece of Turf, Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo (solo)
2012 Something Happened, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo (Filmprogram by Fosheim Lund/Moseng)
2012 The Running Room, Space for Art and Industry, New York (screening curated by Smebye/Zamecznik)
2012 Re/Theorisation of Heritage conference, University of Gothenburg, Sverige
2011 Hytteliv, UiO – in connection with the UiO’s 200 year anniversary (curated by M.Zamecznik)
2011 Generationprojekt, Motorenhalle Dresden, Tyskland (curated by Frank Eckardt)
2011 Nature Unnature, Shlush Gallery, Tel Aviv
2011 Public Folklore, Grazer Kunstverein, Graz, Austria (curated by Søren Grammel)
2011 Double Distance, The old Hairdresser, Glasgow (Screening curated by Mothertongue)
2011 Genius without Talent, De Appel, Amsterdam (curated by Ann Demeester)
2011 IF BOOK/IF LIBRARY, Fabbrica del Vapore, Milan, Italy
2011 Microstoria, Talbot Rice Gallery, Edinburgh
2011 Vi prøver å planlegge det helt perfekt, Ingensted, Oslo (Kunstløftet, curated by R. Borgström)
2011 One Plus One, Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, Berlin (curated by Sophie Goltz og Jan Wenzel)
2010 Eurovision. Fotogalleriet, Oslo (Duo-exhibition with A. Vaindorf curated by Susanne Sæther)
2010 Variation of Max, Chert Gallery, Berlin (solo)
2010 A Tale of Stone and Wood, Red House, Sofia.
2010 lost&found – rediscover, reinterpret Shift Electronic Arts Festival, Basel
2010 útúrdúr Reykjavik, Island (book launch and exhibition)
2010 IN-book OUT-book IF-book, Municipal Library in Palazzo Mauri Spoleto, Italia
2010 Residency Culture Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina Novi Sad, Serbia (curated by Kuda.org)
2010 Territorien des In/Humanen Würtembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart (curated by Dressler/Christ)
2009 Travelogue of an Unknown City, Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart. (solo)
2009 Labyrint Botkyrka Konsthall Stockholm (curated by Joanna Sandell and Pia Sandström)
2009 Working Title CCA Ujazdowski Castle Warszawa (curated by Dobkowska/Ptak/Sienkiewicz-Nowacka)
2009.move Werkleitz (EMAN) Halle, Tyskland (curated by Peter Zorn)
2009 Nachspiel/Vorspiel Vestfossen Kunstlaboratorium (invited by Book&Heden, curated by K.Pilgaard)*
2008 Stay, Stay, Stay Bathhouse Sofia, Bulgaria (kuratert av Antonia Lotz og Margarita Dorovska)
2008 Vom Zentrum der Welt und anderswo, Kölnische Kunstverein(Screening curated by A. Lotz)
2008 Mobile Archive Halle für Kunst Lueneburg (Alenka Gregoric)
2008 Space off Botnik Studios Sverige (curated byv Michael Johansson)
2008 Natural Relations Galerija Skuc Ljubliana, Slovenia (curated by City of Women)
2008 Recontres Internationales, Madrid. (filmfestival)
2008 Geschichtet Projektraum Römerstraβe Stuttgart (curated by Antonia Lotz)
2007 Automatika, Culture Center Yerevan, Armenia. Collaboration w/ Vahram Aghasyan (solo)
2007 En vecka i solen Botnik Studios Sverige.
2007 Recontres Internationales (filmfestival), Madrid, Berlin and Paris.
2005 Oase, Rogaland Kunstsenter, Stavanger (solo)

Public Collections:
The National Museum of Norway
Kunstmuseet KUBE & Jugendstilsenteret