26—27 April

Anja Borgersrud

Address: Vækerøstuene, Drammensveien 227 -229, 0280 Oslo
Floor: 1
The studio is open Sunday 27 April from 12-17

Anja Borgersrud mainly works with ceramic material and creates both utility items and more sculptural objects in stoneware and porcelain.
She explores the relationship between creator and recipient, how the body and mind of the artist convey form and color through clay as a plastic material.
She works within a broad specter of visual expression that shows a duality between the need for control and perfectionism and the need to let go and let the material take control of the shaping process.


In my studio

Visitors can test out throwing in clay on my throwing wheel. I also have a showroom/gallery connected to my workshop where I show my works.

Planned projects and exhibitions

Project – workshops for pit firing and raku obvara 4 pieces during 2025 at 4 different locations in Oslo in connection with the celebration of NK’s 50th anniversary, in collaboration with ceramicist Anne Udnes.
Project – Construction of a wood-burning kiln for ceramics at Vækerøstuene in collaboration with students from KhiO, October 2025


2011 – 2015 Pottery Journeyman, Apprenticeship with Anne Udnes
2005 – 2006 Art History, One-year program, University of Oslo
2004 – 2005 Bachelor Productdesign, Høgskolen i Akershus
2003 – 2004 Ceramics, One-year program, Kunst og Designskolen, Oslo
2001 – 2003 Specialization Product design, Creapole ESDI, Paris
2000 – 2001 Design, preperatory year, Creapole ESDI, Paris
1999 – 2000 Design, One-year program, Asker Kunst & Design College, Oslo


2023: «Kaleidoskop – 1000 glazes in one year», Galleri Blaker Skanse, Lillestrøm
2022: «Core 1.0» (with SEFF! artistgroup), Sagene Kunstsmie, Oslo
2021: «Core 0.5» (with SEFF! artistgroup ), Galleri NordNorge, Harstad
2020: «Kunstfest2020», Group Exhibition, Galleri Gasshuset, Bærums Verk
2020: «Mendable», Norwegian Craft’s theme exhibition (juried) , House of Foundation, Moss
2020: «Body and Soul», separatutstilling, Bærum Kunsthåndverk, Bærum
2019: «Fra objekt til subjekt – et eksperiment», Akershus Kunstsenter, Lillestrøm
2019: «MÅ», Norwegian Craft’s theme exhibition (juried), Galleri RAM, Oslo
2019: «Vrengt», Galleri Blaker Skanse, Sørum
2020: «Body and Soul», Solo Show, Bærum Kunsthåndverk, Bærum
2018 Espresso and Cappuccino Cups, Museo Internazionale Design Ceramico, Italy
2018 «Møtet: Krontraster mellom by og land», Solo Show, Galleri Blaker Skanse, Sørum
2017 « », Solo Show, Galleri Fujiki, Shigaraki , Japan
2016 “Horisont”, Solo Show, Galleri Purenkel, Oslo
2016 “Konglomerat”, Group Exhibition,, Galleri Blaker Skanse, Sørum
2016 – 17 “Presence”, Group Exhibition,, Ventura Lambrate, Milano/ Felleshus, Berlin
2015 “Anarkistisk Juleutstilling”, Group Exhibition,, Akershus Kunstsenter, Lillestrøm
2015 “Grafik og keramik”, Group Exhibition, Kirsten Kjærs museum, Denmark
2014 Stavern Påskeutstilling, Group Exhibition, Galleri Winther, Stavern
2013 Lions kunstutstilling, Group Exhibition Stavern
2013 “1001 kopp”, Group Exhibition, Eidsvoll Verk, Eidsvoll


2022 Project funding from Norwegian culture council (Kulturradet) for preproject workshop building a woodfire kiln at Blaker Skanse in collaboration with KhiO (Oslo National Academy of the Arts)
2021 Norwegian art centre funding, regional prosjectfunding for SEFF! artist group
2017 Travel Grant from Sasakawa Foundation

2022-2023 Project manager for preproject workshop building a woodfire kiln at Blaker Skanse in collaboration with KhiO (Oslo National Academy of the Arts)
2022 Woodfiring workshop in Kjærrahvalen anagama kiln, Larvik, Norway
2021 Woodfiring workshop in Kjærrahvalen anagama kiln, Larvik, Norway
2017 Artist in Residence, Shigaraki, Japan
2015 Graphics and Ceramics workshop, Kirsten Kjærs museum, Denmark