26—27 April

Natalie Seifert Eliassen

Address: 5 etg i Mariboesgate 11, Mariboesgate 11, 0183 Oslo
Floor: 5
Room number: 10
The studio is open Sunday 27 April from 12-17

Natalie S. Eliassen is a newly graduated contemporary artist, who works maximalist and colorfully with 3D works: sculpture, installations, performance, video installation, immersive theatre and costumes. Natalie often uses her costumes and sculptures as scenography in performing arts and self-produced essay films/short documentaries. Her goal is a more inclusive society, and topics she is interested in are: mental health, sexuality, clitoris-awereness, and what is psychological violence? Hydrofeminism, female sailors, marine ecology, environmental-healing of the fjords and sea goddesses from myths.

textile, ceramic, installation, sculpture, mask, costume, scenography, video, performance,

A standing figure dressed in a purple costume raises its arms above its head, its face covered by a crocheted flower. The trousers have large purple lace over emerald green tights.
Long, yellow, pink and neon green strips of cloth hang from a braided collar, The figure stands in the middle of a verdant spring garden with trees.
The Lupin costume, made by Natalie S. Eliassen, hand and machine sewing and crocheting. Size approx. 2 m x 2 meters x 40 cm, 2023, Hangö Teaterträff, Finland, picture of the costume with model/dancer Sara Grottenfelt inside. Photos: Vivien Wilhelmina at Hangö Teaterträff.
Close-up of a ceramic sculpture. We see five breasts in yellow or light blue shiny ice cream glazes with mother-of-pearl shimmer. The nipples are purple or dark pink, only two of them are in focus, and the others are blurry. Out of the top breast on the left, a curved stream of water squirts out towards the right side of the picture.
The Breast Fountain, Natalie S. Eliassen, ceramics, cast of breast, stoneware clay, ceramic glazes, luster glazes (pearl glaze for the porcelain) water, basin and fountain pump, approx. 1x1.2 x1 meter, 2022, Foyer/staircase at the Master Graduation Exhibition at the Helsinki Academy of Fine Arts KUVA- Uniartes, Zoomed in Detail of installation, photographer Karoliina Kurvo.
A dark room with two rows of three flat screens. Four flat screens are horizontal while the outermost and bottom flat screens stand vertically on the floor. The two largest TVs are in the middle. The screens show people with masks in front of their faces, in the background an outdoor spring landscape with snow-capped Lofoten mountains can be glimpsed. In front of the screens, we see half of a dark textile-covered bench where three headphones lie. In the darkness between some of the TVs, we skim masks made of textile, coloured expandable foam and beads, also used in the videos.
"My Nature is too Much" Natalie S. Eliassen 2019, 6 screened video installation with 6 headphones, approx. 4 m x 2m x 3m. Bergen Academy of Fine Arts, Bachelor Graduation Exhibition, installation image. Photographer Natalie S. Eliassen
On a red stage sits a clitoris, made of iridescent tinfoil fabric. Natalie wears the clitoris costume and herself wears a tight orange velour costume. The clitoral balls lie on the floor on either side of her, one clitoral arm raised in an elegant arc. From the top of the head sits the clitoral head, a kind of bent tube with a soft pink textile ball on top.
Klitoris costume dances at Nytfestivalen 2020. Natalie S. Eliassen, costume, performance character, dance and QnA. 6 min long dance, Klitoris costume fits size S-L. approx. 1.60 m h, 2.5 m wide with arms outstretched, width of the balls filled with balloons approx. 60 cm. Location: Litteraturhuset in Oslo, Wergelands stage, performance at the opening of Nytfestivalen 2020. The costume was made in 2019 and the character has been used in various types of performances from 2019 and most recently in 2024. Photographer Marco Zimberlin

In my studio

In my studio, you can see ceramics from the installation and fountain Breastfall, with ice cream-like glazes, and plaster casts of breasts. Masks used in the award-winning film “Sister, what grows where land is sick?”, sparkling glitter sculptures, and a bouquet of “Mirror Flowers”. On some TVs, poetic essay film, performance film will be screened. You can also see clitoral sculptures and erings earrings made in textile and clay.
I will wear one of my costumes, and the audience can participate in a sewing workshop: learn to sew a “wrinkle-root”, which I have sewn many of for the scenography of the musical theater ELDST.

Planned projects and exhibitions

“Alien” – Nordic touring group exhibition with performance, Helsinki – May, Beitostølen – August.

“Hartbroken by a Boat” – solo exhibition with the immersive theatre “Båtdrømmen” at Sentrum Senter for Samtiden, Oslo – June.


CV Natalie Seifert Eliassen, b. 1993 Oslo,
+47 934 777 53, Home: Dalsveien 27B, 0775 Oslo Studio: Mariboesgate 11, 0183 Oslo
natalie.se@hotmail.com Instagram: @nataliese natalieart.myportfolio.com/work

2023 – 21 MFA, Helsinki Academy of Fine Arts, Uniarts (graduated in June)
2019 – 14 BFA, Bergen Academy of Fine Arts, University of Bergen, Norway
2018 Exchange spring semester, Helsinki Academy of Fine Arts
2016 – 14 Art School of Stavanger, preparatory art school/fagskole
2023 – 25 PAN – Performance Art Norway, Board member 2024-2026 and SoMe/PR responsibility
2023 – 22 PAU – Performance Artist United, Helsinki, in the artboard of making performance events/festivals
2023 – 21 Kino Club, Helsinki, member of an artist collective curating thematic film/video screening events
Youth art-club member: 2019 – 13 Plot Oslo/Stavanger. 2012 – 10 Ung Kunstarene Astrup Fearnley/UKAF
Dance classes: 2024 – 20 Burlesque, Oslo/Helsinki, 2012 – 96 Ballet + contemporary at Nasjonalballetens

21.10- 22.12.24 -Working as a dresser/påkleder at Den Norske Opera og Ballett, Oslo
June 2024 – Solo exhibition “Heartbroken by a boat” with an immersive walking-theatre/dance
performance called “Båtdrømen /The boat dream” at gallery Sentrum Senter for Samtiden, Oslo.
2024-29 – Alien, touring Nordic group exhibition + performance. Installation, costumes + performance.
Exhibiting, project-leader, organising and curating. with Erin Sexton, Alves Ludovico, Che Qi Tan, Geir Backe
Altern, Malin Marnedotter, Unnur A Einarsdóttir,
and Leik Silvestrini. Touring in two Nordic countries each year. 2025: Gallery Free Art Space Helsinki 12-21.5.25,
August 2025 Beitostølen Performance Center, host: Vilde Jensen. 1 week in August 2025 Oslo: Siloen på Vippa,
owned by Strand Unicorn . 2026: Kurant visningsrom, Trømsø, + Pentadomen, Hakadal (NO) kuratert av
MacGyv’R/Erin Sexton
Summer 2025 – Performer in Performance Event, curated by Domenique Nachi, Kulturkirken Jacob, Oslo
28. April 2025 – Performer in Vilde Jensen’s Hysteric Choir, Prøverommet på Østre, Bergen
2027-24 – Sea Godesses – Taking the ocean back!, Performance cinema-film, genre: satire/humour,
art-documentary, mythology, sosioøkonmisk samfunnskritikk. My roles: Director, ide, project leader, acting,
costumes, masks, set design, script, research, interviewer, dancing, casting/curating, and editing; marketing,
2026-23 – ELDST + Kvinnen som bor der tiden tar slutt, performance, art installation and workshops for
kids by Elise Ausdal. Natalie ́s roles: Producer, So-Me +PR/marketing, Costume design, sewer, scenography,
artist/ skapende kunstner, sponsor-scouting, production assistant, sewing instructor in the workshop connected to
the performance.
2027-23 – GALDER, a stage performance/dance about Norse magic. Costumes, masks, scenography,
dancing, singing, pre-production workshops, Instagram responsibility, sponsor-scouting.
3-4.10.24 – Stylist, costume, textile, set-design -assistant for Kiyoshi Yamamoto at Munch
Museum, Oslo
13.12.25 – St. Lucias ́s Night, my burlesque stage debut with Svalin Sætereng. Costumes, choreography,
performer/dancer, script
June 2025 Costumed design + sewing, two costumes for LOCUS performance duo: Thale Fastvold + Tanja
January. – June 2025 -Artist assistant for Tori Wrånes, preparing for the Festspillene exhibition, Oslo /Bergen

2025 – Scenography + Costume for Den magiske kof ert by Madeleine S Dolby, Oslo.
2025 late summer – Curating a performance-day at a boat, through PAN: The Sparkling Ship, with Sexy Sailors,
Sweer & Sour Shrimps, and Saltey Sea Soda. Ship by Trollcrusie, summer.
Oktober 2025
– Two weeks of exhibitionproduction in Svolvær 2025 for GRÅDIG PÅ LIVET 2 -opening at
Vikten Glass Center in 2026, with Agnete Tangrand.
2026 – A silver collection of the Clitter Clitt Clitter, smykkedesign, colab with a silversmith.
2027-29 -Organisere ADHD og BLIPOLAR et symposium/utstilling, curatert av meg o Geir Backe Altern
Performances (selected):
2024 – Ave Clitoris, with singer Signe Bødtker, PAN Performance 1, Sagene Kunstsmie, Oslo
2023 – Glitter UFO 4, – Expanded Cinema Vol2, Galleri Augusta Suomenlinna – Helsinki.
2023 – Hekse Performance, headliner, (dancer + dresser with my costumes,) at Høstpunkt festival, Skien
2022 – Brestfall casting performance, 4 weeks, Tracing Work, Kuva/Tila, Helsinki. Curator: Jarkko Partanen
2020 – Klitorisdansen /Clitoral dance, Nytfestivalen, House of Literature Oslo
2019 – Vesen/Beings (10 performers) Prøverommet, Milde Botanical Garden, Bergen
- Glitter UFO 3, Innbilling, Exhibition by Månebedotten & Mørkerommet, Isotop galleri, Bergen.
- My art is my love, with Agnete Tangrand and Inish Héden Næss, After School Special, Landmark, Bergen
- The escort lecture, After School Special, Landmark, Bergen + Feminist gathering, X-Laboratory, Helsinki
- Glitter UFO 1, Jinoos Performance Space, Bergen. Curator: Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen
Residency (selected):
2 weeks 2024 R.E.D. Toten, costume, dance and stage production, for the performance GALDER, by Sunniva Sætereng
10.06 -14.06.24 SEANSE, costumes for the project Eldst by Elise Austad
04.09 – 23.09.23 HELD – Experiments in Touch, facilitators: Nina Sernelle and Selwa Sweidan, Praksis, Oslo
Solo exhibitions:
June 2025 Sorgen over en båt/ Harbroken by a bote! Immersive theatre + scenography + dance performance.
Sentrum Senter for Samtiden, Oslo
2024 Mermaids tale, (duo) with Kai Kosieradzka (to kosie) 8. – 20.5 Asbestos Art Space Gallery, Helsinki
2018+26 Grådig på livet/Lust for life, (duo) with Agnete Tangrand, Galleri Bokboden, Bergen, Grådig på
livet 2, exhibition in Vikten, Lofoten, Norway
2021 Swells, Salongen Gallery, Stavanger. First solo + retrospective exhibition.
2017 Glitterflagg, Galleri Flaggstang, Bergen. One sculptural work.

Group exhibitions (selected):
2024-29 – Alien (working title), (touring Nordic group exhibition and performance) Installation, costumes +
performance. Exhibiting, organizing and curating with Alves Ludovico, Erin Sexton, Malin Marnedotter, Unnur A
Einarsdóttir, Geir Backe Altern and Leik Silvestrini.
2023 – Expanded Cinema Vol2, Galleri Augusta Suomenlinna – Helsinki. Curator: Paola Guzmán
- Fletta-Kunstfest, Trekanten, Oslo. Curated by Susanne Fernløf Arntzen
- Touch Salong, Annatomibygget, Praksis Oslo
- Time and Space Exhibition Vol.1 Kuva/Tila , Helsinki Academy of Fine Arts. Curator: Tanja Kiiveri
- Bring your own Beamer, Free Art Space, Helsinki
2022 – Kuvan Kevat, MFA graduation exhibition, Academy of Fine Arts Helsinki. Curator: Harri Monni
- We are 6 international students trying to survive, Tasku Gallery, Helsinki
- Sculpture exhibition, Tasku Gallery, Helsinki
2021 – Tracing Work, installation and performance, Kuva/Tila gallery, Helsinki. Curator: Jarkko Partanen
- No arrow in time, Gallery Oksasenkatu 11, Helsinki. Curator: Salla Tykka.

2019 – My Body is My Business, FAEN Female Artistic Experiments Norway, group exhibition, Atelie Nord, Oslo
- DIVE, Bachelor Graduation show, Bergen Academy of Fine Art, Bergen. Curator: Hilde Jørgensen
Collaborations – stage-art / performances / films (selected) :
2027 – 25 – KVINNEN SOM BOR DER TIDEN TAR SLUTT, performance + sound and textile art-installation, by
Elise Austad, (costumes + scenography + responsibility for the installation + producer, PR/SoMe) Theater/dance/performance,
Tikkehallen, Fredrikstad Litteraturhus, Vandreestaven Utstillingspunkt, Oslo, Hovedøya (unconfirmed), Gamle Munch
2027 – 24 – GALDR by Sunniva Sætereng, (Costumes + masks, performar, with Svalin Sætereng) dance.
2024 – 23 – ELDST musical theatre for kids by Elise Austad, (costumes + scenography, So-Me, PR, producer,
pord.-ass.) Theater/dance/performance + sewing workshop + film. Trikkehallen på Kjellsås + Fredrikstad Litteraturhus.
2024 – 23 – FØNIKS by Marit Loe Bjørnstad, (costumes + masks) Outdoor performance. Co-produced by Bergen
Dansesenter – kompetansesenter for Dans. Premier: Generasjonsfestivalen Bergen Mai 2024. Dance shows confirmed: Teater
Vestland, Førde, Vingarden på Jølst, Pollineringshagen i Øygarden, Moster Amfi, Kunstnerhuset Kabuso
2022 – Honey, I’m Home (costume design + set design + SoMe /PR + co-producer) Sara-Maria Pirhonen’s
MA-graduation performance at Swedish Acting, premiered at Helsinki Theather Academy. 2026 – 22 – Därnere,
(costumes + scenography), by Nasreen Aljanabi Larsson. Clown, dance, sex-education performance.
2023 – Trädgården, performance, (costumes + dresser + group-performer + co-producer Norway), by Anna-Sofia
Nylund, Premiered at and co-prodused by Hangö Teatertreff 2023.
2023 – 21 – Fabelaktig (costumes). Danc, music and acrobatic show for kids, by Ine Therese Hogstad, Hanne Vatnøy
and Annie Thorkildsen, MoonMade productions, Bergen, Stavnger, Sandnes +
2020 – Growing Stories (costumes + scenography + guide) by Ine Therese Hogstad and video-artist David Alræk,
co-produced by Bergen International Theater – Oktoberdans festival, Muséhagen, Bergen

- Maske performance (masks) Ferdinand Bergstrøm, outdoor performances in 3 parks in Oslo
2019 – Den sister våren / Sister, What Grows Where Land Is Sick? (costumes + masks + scenography +
performer) a future film by Franciska Eliassen, Lofoten, premiere at Locarno FF 2022 + cinemas in Norway 2023
2019 – Working With Children by Nicola Gunn, (costumes) dance/theatre, Bergen International Theater

01.08 – 22.09.22 Tori Wrånes Studio, performance artist, Oslo – Stockholm
26.09 – 09.10.22 Nasreen Aljanabi Larsson, choreographer, Stockholm
Curation (selected):
2024 27 Alien, Nordic gallery tour, Curator in Helsinki, Oslo, Bergen, Stavanger, Beitostølen ++
2023 Touch Salong Videos, Oslo Cultural Night, Annatomibygget – Praksis Oslo
2021 Sexuality, Kino Club Helsinki. Helsinki Academy of Fine Arts, Auditorium K 218 + online screening.
Commissions / Utsmykning
2017-16 – Flower decoration I-II, graffiti murals in one entrance in a housing cooperative, Bergen + three entrances
in Lervig housing cooperatives, Stavanger 2016 -Flower mural, facade mural, collab. with Vibeke Andersen,
at Gourmet Consulting and Restaurant, Bryne
2015 – Color Empire, facade mural for Rogaland Art Center (juried competition), Stavanger
Artistic work experience (selected):
15.-19.09 2024 ART ON FOOD Coast Contemporary conference – 8. Production crew, art-installer / artist-assistant, catering,
rigging, runner
21 SoMe responsibility for Kino Club Helsinki, 2021 SoMe responsibility for Nytfestivalen (The Pleasure
Festival) Oslo, 2019 SoMe responsibility and guide for DIVEBFA graduation show, Kunstakademiet i Bergen 2019-17
Bergen International Theater /BiT Teatergarasjen, distributor 2016-15 Kunsthall Stavanger + Rogaland Art Center,
gallery guard 2016-14 Astrup Fearnley Museum, marketing assistant, in summers, Oslo
2016-14 Stavanger Art School, marketing group, re-painted the facade of Micahel Lin, + librarian.